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 Renee Grob, MD, CPSC

Dr. Kidfixer,

Pediatric Sleep Consultant

...and Dream Maker

Hello there!  Welcome to my site! My name is Dr. Renee Grob, I am a retired pediatrician and the proud owner and founder of Dr. Kidfixer, Dream Maker.  If you are reading this you are likely near the end of your rope -- struggling through sleepless nights, frequent night wakings, bedtime battles, short or non-existent naps. You are likely also to have tried everything you could think of -- asking advice of family and friends, chatting on social networks, scouring the internet for information, but to no avail.  What you really are seeking is the expert advice of a seasoned professional.

Well, look no further!

I have over 20 years experience in private practice. I have worked with children of all ages, from newborns and preterm infants to teenagers and college aged young adults.  My areas of expertise includes, but are not limited to:


Sleep Hygiene and Nutrition


Childhood Health and Development

Infant, Toddler, Preschool,School Age, Teens,


Children with Special Needs 

Autism, ADD/ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Developmental Delays



Mental Health Disorders

Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar


I deeply enjoyed working with children and their families but found the politics and administrative demands of today's medical field to be unnecessarily stressful.  As a Pediatric Sleep Consultant I am able to work one on one with families to provide proven results that positively affect the child's growth and development, as well as the family's mental and physical well being.

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